At Adonis Heights Group ® we believe in harnessing the scale and diversity of our Second Life community as a diversified Second Life group, a preferred global LGBT friendly community.
From all corners of the grid, we draw on our society, knowledge and
insights to serve and connect to the community. We believe in embracing
diversity and welcomed differences in opinions, ideas and cultures
Adonis Heights Group ® brand structure reflects our commitment to
creating value and serving the needs of our community across the grid.
“Adonis Heights Group” represents our global universal group brand
and management team
“Adonis Heights Boys Academy” represents our Second Life® community
“Adonis Heights Concept Store” represents our commercial entity that
connects between our affiliates and the community through various
communication channels.
“Adonis Heights Radio” represents our media channel to connect the
community through great music and as a main channel for the group media communication
“Home@Adonis” represents our flagship brand on rentals and property
development in-world. Research and development on future development toward
serving our residents better.