Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Expand Your Musical Horizons

Have you hidden behind the boundaries of a single music genre all your life? Is your MP3 / CD collection boring & scarce? Have you started to notice that all the music that commercially successful seems like variations on a single theme that you are getting tired of?

Well here's how to offer your ears a new and ever-changing menu of music.

1.   Listen to Internet / Online Music Station e.g: Adonis Heights Radio. Browse all kind of stations (International, rap, hip-hop, electronica, alternative, blues, soundtracks, jazz, and so on. Let them play in the background while you browse the web, answer emails etc. 

2.   Never too shy to ask interesting people what they listened to. They will be delighted to share their musical taste with you, if you are actually curious. Add a twist to your questions like:

·        If you had to choose one song to summarize your life, what would it be?
·        Has a song made you cry?
·        If you were to make a soundtrack to your life, what would it be on it?

3.   Take time to listen to whole album. Often an artist or group puts out one or two singles that engage popular appeal but are uncharacteristic of their work. And quite commonly the jewels of music are buried in albums far away from radio play. So if a catchy singles draws you in, don’t be surprised if the rest of the album aren’t just like it.

4.   Try to listen to an album / streaming radio more than once. Well some says it’s best to listen to at least three times before you throw it to the shelf; especially the genre you don’t normally listened to. Trust me, by the third time around, you could very well be singing along and listening carefully to the lyrics, well not necessarily need to go up to three times in a row – just make sure you have given it the full benefit of the doubt before you toss it.

5.   Let’s go underground! Find out who is the DJ around, and where they spin. Visit venues that features these DJs i.e. Unity, Adonis Heights, T.R.A.C.S etc where you can listen to great music. Even the DJ or genre you have never heard of, listening and joining the gig with friends can make a believer out of you, and change your listening perspective!

Taking music to a greater heights, Listen to Adonis Heights Radio!
Take us wherever you go:

Download tunein to your mobile.

Friday, 5 July 2013

[IMPORTANT NOTICE] Child avatar on Adonis Heights Sim.

Dear friends,

Adonis Heights is an adult / matured sim. Hence the community is bounded by Linden Labs (Grid) Terms of Service (ToS) and we seek everyone attention to this as of late we observed the traffic to the sim consist of a mixture of people.

Adonis Heights welcome everyone to visit the sim as we are an open community. We believe our residents and community are able to act accordingly as an adult & matured individuals.

We would like to highlight the matter about child avatars. Adonis Heights welcomes child avatars within the sim with conditions. It is advisable for the individuals to abide with the terms to ensure the comfort of the community and the sim is expected to adhere to the Grid terms and regulations.

Please read the guide below for your kind reference:

Policies towards child avatars are largely focused on the actions of the avatars, not the avatars themselves.

1. Child avatars are allowed within Second Life. A child avatar, even within a mature or adult region (but not participating in adult (in this case, sexual) activities is allowed.

2. A child avatar is allowed do everything any other avatar is, with the following exceptions:

Child avatars participating in any sexual situations are not allowed and abuse report able (AR-able).

3. Public promotion (classified listing, profile, etc.) of sexual situations with child avatars is not allowed and AR-able.

4. Creating areas for the purpose of sexual age-play is not allowed and is AR-able. This includes having items with sexual content (sexual pose balls or equipment) in proximity to items traditionally associated with children (swing sets, etc.)

5. Indicating that the *real age* of a child avatar (as opposed to a stated SL/role playing age) is below main grid age (18 years old) is not allowed and AR-able.

Child avatar nudity has been called into question as well. While no language specific to nudity was included in the initial policies, child avatar nudity of the genital or chest regions, including in otherwise non-sexual situations (skin vendors, for example) can be a violation.

This also applies to parcel descriptions: nudity or "clothing optional" language can not be included in a parcel description on a kid-specific area.

Note that child avatars are allowed on PG, Mature, and even Adult public parcels, provided with the latter that they are adult verified. Note that this does not necessarily apply to private parcels where one has the option to eject or ban as desired.

We seek our community understanding and share this information to our visitors with care. Should you need assistance, please do drop an IM to our officers (Daemyn Parx, Jacenightpaw, OR Devon Barski).

For the actual information of the guide, please refer to the SL site below:

DISCLAIMER: The official Second Life terms & conditions shall prevail in the event of conflict

Thank you.