Saturday, 3 May 2014

New Improvement Plan for AH Concept Store Initiated!

Dear Residents & friends of Adonis Heights,

We are delighted to announce that 80% of our store occupants have progressively moved to their new store front. The new design is aimed to make the brand stands out and visible to the visitors as well giving them more room to be creative in their interior design.

Explore the new location [HERE]

Quote from the Group CEO announcement made on May 1st, 2014
"I am excited to announce that Adonis Heights Group has received and in the midst of reviewing the business proposal by our potential business partner which definitely strengthen our brand presence.
To accommodate this new business partnership, Adonis Heights Concept Store will be moved and new store front will / has been offered to the current store owners."

The business brands of which affected by this move (to their respective new store front) are as follows:

AHCS Unit 01 - Community Shoppe'
1. Swagga
2. Rasc'
3. Radical Dreamers
4. UnderDogs
5. Photography by [DV]

AHCS Unit 02
1. Saphyra
2. Splash by CBD
3. (Vacant & Reserved)

AHSC Unit 03
1. Jay Apple Studio

AHCS Unit 04

Safety first, as the building still in progress.
"Welcome home to Adonis Heights"