AUG 13th, 2013: Adonis Heights Group is now moving towards growing and strengthening its network in the community after signing up as a member of Gay-Archipelago Group (GA), an international regions in Second Life consisting of multiple diverse sims. "Adonis Heights always looking for any potential opportunity to collaborate and work together with any community that promotes humanizing the virtual community", commented Daemyn Parx, Adonis Heights Group Chief Executive. "It is important for us to keep on consistently looking for area of positive growth and rooms for us to add value to the society through acknowledging individual uniqueness and creativity. Through this concept, it is hoped Adonis Heights can be the element of change to promote ONE Community concept of which the society / community respect each other and unite above all differences".
Gay-Archipelago is the LGBT Community in Secondlife that unites multiple groups and sims, building a vast network and creates amazing opportunity for LGBT groups alike in Second Life to form a well diversed community with aspiration to be the first stop for LGBT individuals entering Second Life – a place of welcome, orientation, community and help.
Through this alliance, Adonis Heights looking forward to support the community and inspires others in nurturing positive and value added society.
For more information, visit the GA Weblog [HERE]