Sunday, 27 April 2014

Letter from Group CEO: Tenancy at Adonis Heights.

Dear Residents,

Thank you for choosing Adonis Heights as your preferred home in Second Life.

It is a privilege to be able to welcome you home every time we see you on the grid even for just a quick note. Adonis Heights Group will reach its 1st year anniversary on May 8th, 2014. It is phenomenal and exciting as we consistently grow and continue to look for opportunity to improve the way we do things in Second Life. However all this may not be possible without your support.

Since March 2014, Adonis Heights residential unit demand has increased tremendously. We are now are at average 95% occupancy and there are some residents have made 6 months advanced tenancy agreement with us. This makes our team wanted to work hard for you and finding ways on serving you better.

As our usual practice, upon full occupancy, potential residents would be listed on our waiting list, or they may provide their details online on our website as we will follow-up with them from time-to-time to inform on the available units. Prior to the sudden growth, we will begin to send out in-world notice and the unit will be on first-come-first-serve basis.

Due to this positive development, we would like to advice our residents to constantly check your rental due and allow notification to be sent to your IM for easy reference. Should you will be going away for a while and tendency for your rent to be overdue, we appreciate that you will inform our admin on the date you will come home to make sure we will hold your property and prepare to welcome you back once you return. This will greatly help our admin to manage the potential resident’s expectations.

Should there are no units available on Adonis Heights, rest assured, we have expanded our residential property to Rockridge Heights; a lake view downtown concept, for those who seeks a place to relax and perfect for that getaway vacation.

On another note, please do not miss the opportunity to get a new profile pictures at 50% discounts for both residents on Adonis Heights & Rockridge Heights offered by our business affiliate, [DV] DAVIDVENTER.NET. Please do contact davidventer.residents in-world for details and to set your appointment.

“Welcome home to Adonis Heights”

To serve you better,

Daemyn Parx
Group CEO, Adonis Heights Group.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Be Glamorous; Exclusively for Adonis Heights Residents!

Looking for a professional photographer to snap and design your profile picture?

Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the 50% off from the normal rate by David Venter, owner and editor of

IM David Venter (davidventer.resident) for details.

Updated Adonis Heights Places of Interest - APR 2014

Dear all,

We have updated the LM for Adonis Heights HQ, consists of Information Center, CEO Office and Property Office.

We have also included the landing LM to Rockridge Heights, our 2nd region, a relaxing, lake view property.
Login to Secondlife to receive the notecard with LM attached.

Welcome home to Adonis!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Relay For Life 2014 - Organized by Swagga

Join us to raise funds for cancer patients. This year, Swagga (a member of Adonis Heights Concept Store) has initiated an effort to organized this campaign. We at Adonis Height, in good faith support this effort.

Get your pin at the terminal located in-world. Your contributions will be delivered to the American Cancer Society.

Visit us at Adonis Heights Concept Store [HERE]

Celebrate - Remember - Fight Back.

Thank you!

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Adonis & Rockridge Heights, A place that is more than just a poseball.

Unique modern township inspired by the luxuriance and serenity of nature. A premium residential and peaceful community featuring ample choices of residential and commercial properties surrounded by natural elements and verdant greenery that further complement the uniqueness of this low-medium density neighborhood.

Adonis & Rockridge Heights is truly an enclave designed for the community-based residents in mind.

Visit us today:

Adonis Heights
Rockridge Heights

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Did you know?

AH Translink is among the most significant mode of transport in the grid which connects 2 regions, Adonis Heights and Rockridge Heights.

Sit back and enjoy the scenery on both of the regions and stop at the nearby station to meet and greet friends and families.

Adonis Heights Group is dedicated group to build a functional sim for all.
"We See Potential"

Have some original art to share?

Adonis Heights Gallery is making a comeback after our Stand for Love exhibition. 
Opening soon. 

If you have an original art pieces, unique and one and only in Second Life, contact us today. 
We would be happy to showcase your creativity in-world.

Visit us here today:

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Updated Community Agreement & Guidelines

Adonis Heights Group
Community Agreement and Guidelines
The Group purpose is to promote learning, social experience and fun for all.
The role play here isn’t strict and the rules are few. The few rules we have are for the benefit of the community.
By entering the Adonis Heights sim, you agree to abide by the Community Agreement & Guidelines.

These will help you to have a more enjoyable experience.
This agreement covers across all Adonis Heights entities, Partners & subsidiaries:

1. Adonis Heights Group
2. Adonis Heights Boys Academy
3. Adonis Heights Concept Store
4. Adonis Heights Radio
5. Home@Adonis
6. The Lounge
7. Rockridge Heights

The sim is under Moderate maturity rating.

Adult activity on Moderate land must be conducted "behind closed doors," meaning that you must make every reasonable effort to ensure any adult activity shall be restricted within the residential parcels and not in the public area, enclosed behind walls or other visual barriers as per required by Linden Labs TOS.

1. Child avatars are absolutely forbidden to be involved or taking part in adult and/or sexual roleplay.

2. You are at least 18 years old as per your information registered with Linden Labs.

3. You are advisable to wear Adonis Heights tag OR Rockridge Heights at all times when in the respective vicinity.

4. As dormitory rooms become available, you can rent one by speaking with the representative  for details or simply send your request through our website at the following URL:

5. A separate Residential Agreement covers the residentials.

6. The Administrator reserves the right to exclude anyone, without prior notice, who in the sole judgment of the staff, threatens the life of the community.

7. Respect others. Adonis Heights is LGBT friendly sim. Any discrimination will not be tolerated.

1. DO join in the role play – attend classes, enjoy the fabulous facilities here. Your main task is to have a great time and help others do the same.

2. DO help out other students/residents. This is a big place; help them get comfortable here and have a great time.

3. DO stick to local chat whenever you can. Voice is enabled here, but some members of the community won’t speak in voice, or can’t hear in voice, or both.

4. DO contribute to the financial health of the place by donating to the Group using one of the kiosks around the sim.

5. DO help make the sim a place that works for everyone. Avoid heavily scripted attachments and objects. Turn off animated furniture when you are finished with it. (That includes beds, sofas, and other devices for sitting or reclining or "sports and recreation".) Check that your lighted objects aren't disturbing your neighbors.

6. DO bring concern and problems to any of our administrators. That is the fastest way to get them resolved. Airing grievances in group chat is almost and always unproductive.

7. DO be courteous and respect other properties. Rented residential, apartments or dorms are belongs to the respective tenant. Trespassing is a serious offence as in breach of privacy. Contact our staffs for assistance.

8. DO have fun and visit our latest updates on the following social channel:


9. DO listen to our radio:

Thank you and have fun!

DISCLAIMER: The official Second Life terms & conditions shall prevail in the event of conflict