Sunday, 27 April 2014

Letter from Group CEO: Tenancy at Adonis Heights.

Dear Residents,

Thank you for choosing Adonis Heights as your preferred home in Second Life.

It is a privilege to be able to welcome you home every time we see you on the grid even for just a quick note. Adonis Heights Group will reach its 1st year anniversary on May 8th, 2014. It is phenomenal and exciting as we consistently grow and continue to look for opportunity to improve the way we do things in Second Life. However all this may not be possible without your support.

Since March 2014, Adonis Heights residential unit demand has increased tremendously. We are now are at average 95% occupancy and there are some residents have made 6 months advanced tenancy agreement with us. This makes our team wanted to work hard for you and finding ways on serving you better.

As our usual practice, upon full occupancy, potential residents would be listed on our waiting list, or they may provide their details online on our website as we will follow-up with them from time-to-time to inform on the available units. Prior to the sudden growth, we will begin to send out in-world notice and the unit will be on first-come-first-serve basis.

Due to this positive development, we would like to advice our residents to constantly check your rental due and allow notification to be sent to your IM for easy reference. Should you will be going away for a while and tendency for your rent to be overdue, we appreciate that you will inform our admin on the date you will come home to make sure we will hold your property and prepare to welcome you back once you return. This will greatly help our admin to manage the potential resident’s expectations.

Should there are no units available on Adonis Heights, rest assured, we have expanded our residential property to Rockridge Heights; a lake view downtown concept, for those who seeks a place to relax and perfect for that getaway vacation.

On another note, please do not miss the opportunity to get a new profile pictures at 50% discounts for both residents on Adonis Heights & Rockridge Heights offered by our business affiliate, [DV] DAVIDVENTER.NET. Please do contact davidventer.residents in-world for details and to set your appointment.

“Welcome home to Adonis Heights”

To serve you better,

Daemyn Parx
Group CEO, Adonis Heights Group.